The Bacon’s Holiday Gift Guide
Not sure what to get for all the special people in your life this holiday season? Don’t worry, The Bacon is here to help! We’ve curated a list of the hottest budget-friendly gifts of 2021. Your loved ones are sure to love these!
Looking for something that really hits the sweet spot between creative and practical? What about a mask BeDazzler kit?! Your loved one will look stylish and healthy with this gift!

Finally, the sh*t magnet in your life will have an outlet other than you! Give them (and you!) the gift of silently journaling away about just how much of a sh*t show everything is!

I don’t know. Maybe a bunch of computer cables? It seems like those techy types are always looking for some sort of cable, so they’re bound to love this gift!

Do you have a friend or colleague who isn’t exactly looking forward to their family’s holiday dinner conversation? These earplugs are just the ticket for peace on earth this holiday season!

Is there someone in your life who thought “eating in” meant peanut butter and jelly sandwiches until they realized that the oven was more than just storage space? Why not help them kick off their newfound cooking hobby with this rechargeable home fire extinguisher?!

Nothing will bring you as much joy as watching their parents’ faces as your nieces and nephews open this percussion kit. Don’t forget to throw in the thunder tube for good measure!