Breakfast Club Announces Survey Results
After countless hours of tallying votes, the Breakfast Club is pleased to announce the results of the Advising & Coaching Holiday Survey. The survey asked the advising and coaching community to vote for which of their advising/coaching/administrative/leadership/retiree colleagues best fit each of the below categories. Category winners receive Baby Yoda dolls hand-crocheted by Scarlett Pontón de Dutton!
- Most likely to win an ugly sweater contest that they didn’t know they had entered.
Elisa Cripps - Most likely to buy an ugly sweater for someone else.
Laurel Amsel - Most likely to ‘nog it up before a staff meeting.
Blazey Heier (Wow. Really, people?) - Most likely to spend hours building a gingerbread McMansion.
Sue Brehm - Most likely to smash the gingerbread McMansion.
Eva Lacy - Most likely to have an extensive Elf on the Shelf and/or Mensch on a Bench collection.
Peter Freitag - Most likely to have had their Christmas tree up and decorated since before Thanksgiving.
Megan Stephenson - Most likely to leave their Christmas tree up until next Thanksgiving.
Greer McKeown - Most likely to eat fruitcake until they’re sick (which may just be one bite of fruitcake – let’s be real here).
Chaco (Charles Eagan’s dog) - Most likely to set up a telescope on Monday so they can see the first “Christmas Star” since the Middle Ages.
Tom Morgan - Most likely to give a gently-used roll of toilet paper as their white elephant gift.
Doug Nickel - Most likely to blast Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” (possibly while weeping).
Mara Vahratian - Most likely to sue Starbucks for overly hot hot chocolate.
Susan Johnson - Most likely to degrade their pet by forcing them to wear that lovely holiday sweater they bought them.
Charles Eagan (by a landslide!) - Most likely to compete in their neighborhood’s holiday lights competition.
Ricky Ortiz - Most likely to be discovered Christmas morning stuck in a chimney while wearing a Santa costume.
Dave Rogalski - Most likely to burn all their latkes and serve smashed up tater tots instead (and fool no one).
Jordyn Dwyer - Most likely to practice talking face-to-face with people again by striking up a conversation with a snowman (and leaving that conversation thinking, “That went pretty well.”)
Patrick Tally